Victim detailed sex abuse on torn out Bible page

High profile sexual abuse cases, such as that surrounding Jimmy Savile, are cited as one reason for the rise in reported rapesHigh profile sexual abuse cases, such as that surrounding Jimmy Savile, are cited as one reason for the rise in reported rapes
High profile sexual abuse cases, such as that surrounding Jimmy Savile, are cited as one reason for the rise in reported rapes
The report into Jimmy Savile’s activities at Stoke Mandeville Hospital detailed the abuse his victims suffered at the hands of the prolific sexual predator.

It describes in detail the 60 horrific attacks he carried out at Stoke Mandeville Hospital over a period of five decades.

The abuse ranged from groping, kissing and touching the victims to sexual assualt and rape.


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Savile’s youngest victim, an eight year old boy, was a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1981 after having his tonsils removed.

The youngster was told by a nurse that ‘someone special’ was visiting the ward before Savile appeared from behind the bed curtain.

The nurse closed the curtain, leaving them alone together.

Savile sat beside the victim on a chair and squeezed his hand before sexually assaulting him.

The boy was ‘distressed’ at what happened and told his mother when she visited shortly afterwards, but she did not believe him.


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Another of Savile’s victims was just 12 at the time of the attack, when he raped her in the hospital’s television room.

In January 1977, she had her tonsils out and was nursed on an adult ward ‘full of elderly people’ and in her victim statement she said she remembers the place ‘smelling of vomit and faeces’.

Following her surgery, she was told she could go to the television room which was down an external corridor.

She set off in her nightdress but on the way, a porter (Savile) approached her and asked her where she was going.

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When she told him, he suggested he go with her and when they entered the television room another person came out, leaving them alone.

The victim sat on a chair and the porter asked her if she had a boyfriend.

In her statement, the victim said she was not wearing any knickers under her nightdress and the porter knelt down in front of her, pulled his trousers down and ‘swiftly’ raped her.

She said it was ‘over very quickly’ before the porter stood up, pulled his trousers up and wiped down the seat she was still sitting on.

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As the victim’s family did not watch television at the time, the victim did not know who Savile was.

She described him as a ‘white-haired man who was wearing a gold chain and a white coat’, who smelled strongly of cigars and body odour’.

After the attack, the victim told a nurse on the ward that ‘the porter hurt me, down here’, but she was told not to say anything otherwise she (the nurse) would ‘get into trouble’.

The victim then went to bed, only to wake in the night and find Savile beside her bed.

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He put his hand between her legs and sexually assaulted her.

In desperation, the victim wrote a note on a torn-out page of a Bible she had found, explaining that the porter had hurt her and giving her father’s name, address and telephone number.

She posted these notes in a red post box in the corridor and hoped someone would contact her father. They never did.

It was only a few years after she left hospital that she realised who her attacker was.


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The majority of Savile’s attacks were on teenage girls, especially those aged between 13 and 15.

One of his teenage victims, 15, was a patient at the hospital over Easter in 1977 after undergoing microsurgery on her hand.

Savile came onto the ward a few days before she was due to be discharged and invited her to the hospital’s cafe for a drink.

When they arrived, the cafe was closed so Savile invited the victim back to the room in his on-site accomodation, an invitation which the victim accepted.

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Once there, the only place to sit was on Savile’s bed and the content of the convesation quickly turned sexual.

Savile quizzed the victim and asked her if she had ever had sex with her boyfriend, and appeared to become excited when she said no.

The victim was ‘in awe of him’ and Savile suggested they have sex before stripping naked and having intercourse with her.

After 15 minutes, Savile said he needed to get her back on to the ward ‘as they would be wondering where she was’.

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The victim never told anyone about her encounter, but Savile had given her his telephone number and she called it several times as he had promised to take her to his studio in London.

He never answered and she never saw him again.


In contrast, another of Savile’s victims was ‘systematically abused’ in the hospital’s chapel presbytery over a period of five years from the age of 11 to 16.

Between 1978 and 1983, the victim attended the chapel for services every Sunday with her family, who were devout Roman Catholics.

She would pass round the collection plate which she had to collect from the presbytery, and on a regular basis – at least twice a month – Savile would attend the chapel.

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He would stand in the presbytery and watch the service from behind a curtain, which is where the abuse took place.

He was often accompanied by another man, described as wearing a suit, who looked on as Savile sexually assualted the young girl.

In her statement, the victim said: “Every time I went in that room I just knew that he would touch me wherever he wanted to touch me.”

She felt unable to tell anyone and did not report the attacks at the time.


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In August 1982 Savile targeted his oldest victim, a 40-year-old woman, as she visited her brother at the National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC).

It was a warm day and from where the victim sat on the ward, she could see three men through the open door slowing down from a run.

She said they were dressed in ‘little shorts and singlets’ and Savile was one of them.

Savile ‘made a beeline’ for her, before saying something like ‘oh my goodness’ and straddled the victim’s legs before pressing himself against her in a ‘simulated sex act’.

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The victim noted that Savile was ‘very scantily clad’ and his perspiring legs were pressed against her.

He bent down and whispered in her ear: “I would like to take you outside and **** you.”

The victim’s face and chest were dampened by his sweat, which she had to go and wash off after she managed to push Savile away.

Her brother witnessed the incident, as did several other male patients on the ward, making the whole episode ‘extremely embarassing’.

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The victim did not report the incident at the time, but remembered that Savile appeared to have ‘complete access’ to the NSIC at ‘all hours of the day and night’.