Save wasted tip trips by watching new webcam to track traffic at the site

Buckingham HWRC webcamBuckingham HWRC webcam
Buckingham HWRC webcam
There's a rubbish film showing '“ but it might just save you a wasted trip to the tip.

That is because a live webcam has been installed at Household Waste Recycling Centres in Buckinghamshire.

People can use it to view the traffic at the site at any time during opening hours so they know when best to drive there.

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Warren Whyte, cabinet member for planning and environment, said: “At this time of year we’re all busy with spring cleaning and garden maintenance, and maybe some DIY, all activities that generate potential waste.

“It does mean, though, that it’s a busy time for our household waste and recycling centres.

“And I’d ask people to check our webcams before you visit to check how busy the centre is - and to find out on the website the correct way of disposing of different waste materials.

“This not only saves time, but makes sure that we recycle whenever possible to reduce our environmental footprint.

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“And it’s even better if something can be re-used – it stays out of the waste system, and means that we’re consuming just a little less as a community in the first place.”

The county council is urging residents to make as much use as possible of the recycling centres – especially from April 1, when the extended opening hours are 9am until 6pm.

People are also advised to consider re-use as opposed to recycling, as you might be able to sell items on e-bay or at a boot sale.

Go to for more advise and check out the new webcam by visiting